Monday, August 22, 2011

Sassafras River to Quiet Waters Park

While the Sassafras was pretty, it does not afford many coves that we can tuck into and escape the power boat wakes. We had intended to stay longer until we caught the weather forecast for NW winds at 20. When the winds are favorable, we want to go for it. Initially we thought we would head to Chester River, but we were zooming along at over 7 knots and went right past the entrance. With the help of an ebb tide of under half a knot, we shot through the Bay Bridges at 7.7 knots, all three sails pulling.

We sailed 45 miles today and it was a joy. That joy was very welcome as Myron and I are both suffering from 'get south-itis.' Our shakedown has identified some fixable items that we are ready to work on.

For those who are apt to pray, please pray for our friends in Jacksonville as it appears they are in the path forecasted for hurricane Irene. Please pray this storm goes east out to sea.

Love to all,

{GMST}38|56.010|N|076|30.597|W|Anchored|Quiet Waters{GEND}
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

JAX will be fine .. better look out for yourselves .. it seems to be coming your way now .. Alan.