Monday, September 9, 2013

Solomon’s Island

We have officially entered a period of schizophrenic weather.  Even though the cold on Monday necessitated long pants, fleece, socks/shoes, and knitted caps, the 15-20 knots of forecasted winds never materialized.  As a result, the motor assisted our sails.  At least the wind and tidal current were not against us.  We hope that the forecasters are equally wrong about the next two days.  They call for temperatures in the 90’s with lows in the mid-70’s – accompanied by more than 80% humidity.  After that, the temperatures will drop into the mid-50’s.
It is all a part of it and can be dealt with via the generator and air conditioner or alternatively the wood/coal stove.  We are thankful that no hurricanes have wandered up this way!
For the next several days, the winds are contrary to sailing south.  We will bide our time somewhere on the Patuxent River being entertained by all the aircraft, and watch for a “forecast” of northerly (or westerly) winds.  And we will believe the forecast…again.

Love to all,

Posted via 3G.

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