Sunday, April 6, 2014

Finally Internet!

We finally had sufficient internet to get some things loaded into the blog.  First, Myron was able to make a change on our support for the track history, and now you can see all the tracks he has loaded up over the years.  Secondly, I was able to load pictures into Picasa and give them all descriptions.  The pictures I loaded date all the way back to November 2013, since we left Manteo, NC.  To see them all, you can click on "Hold Fast Photo Gallery" to the right of our map at the top of the blog.  Once in the photo gallery, you can select the time period/place.  To entice you, I selected a couple for you below.

Sweetheart's Dinner at Baptist Church.  We are seated with William and Audrey Gibson:

Kids participating in the vocabulary parade at school in Hatchet Bay.

Private and natural spa on the Atlantic side of Stocking Island.

Myron catches Nassau grouper for dinner!

Dena vs. conch.  Dena wins, but conch's consolation is covering Dena with sticky conch bits.

Hold Fast and crew, drifting at less than four knots.

Go to the photo links to enjoy many more photos.

Love to all,

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