Monday, May 5, 2014

Man-O-War Cay to Great Sale Cay

We have never had a disappointing stay at Man-O-War Cay. Great church, great friends, great mooring, great food, and there is always something to do when Jay needs help! Barb also shared more nuggets of sewing tips with me. About 15 more years of that and she should have me out of the amateur sewing class. We were also blessed with some time with Uncle Willard. He and Myron went conching last fall. It did not work out for Myron to go conching last week with Uncle Willard, but he brought us conch salad anyway! All the benefits without the work. It is who you know, and we know some pretty good people.

With the extra time in MOW, we worked on projects slated for our time in Vero Beach, at least the ones we could do with current supplies on board. We were still working on projects at 10 pm Saturday night, when we stopped for dinner (conch salad of course!). A short night sleep, church, a combined birthday party for Jay, Thomas and Sue on Sunday, and back to the boat to wrap-up projects. At 10:30 pm when we thought we had it all buttoned up and could sneak in some shut-eye, I recognized the signs of our old refrigerator going out again. It went out on us when we crossed the Exuma Sound to Eleuthera Island. Myron recharged it and we thought it would be good for another two years. More like three weeks. This is the type of problem that needs to be analyzed before anyone is going to get any sleep. We finally worked our way through about three different options and felt like we had several viable game plans. So it was to bed about midnight, robbed of sleep another night. Not the way we wanted to start off a long trip. We were up and going before 5:30 am today and out the cut about two minutes after 6 am, trying to beat the falling tide.

Thankfully, today's winds were better for sailing than forecast and we enjoyed close reaching in winds from 10 to 15. All sails were out in full. Sailing on the banks is just yippie kind of fun! Once the winds got down to 10 and under, we had to turn on the engine. It was easy moving regardless and nice to drop anchor just after 5:30 pm. We had plenty of company in route today. There are eleven other boats at Great Sale Cay. Several boats continued on and did not stop at the anchorage. As you could imagine, we are both glad to stop. We will take a long rest tonight and leave about 10 or 11 am Tuesday, which should put us at the Fort Pierce entrance at around 7 am on Wednesday.

Those are the plans. God's may be different. Myron said he will post a position report in route if he can get HAM service going.

Must go, my turn for the shower. Then something to eat, maybe an NCIS show and then rest…rest…zzzz!

Love to all,

Posted via Ham Radio.

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