Sunday, August 17, 2014


Carter's Beach is quite beautiful and I find the sound of waves gently breaking on shore to be a soothing sound. I did not realize how much I missed that sound and missed taking long walks on the beach.

We decided rather late today to get started. Not like us. We paid for it too. The south-southwest winds picked up furiously after the rainstorms cleared around noon. We were right into the teeth of it and the seas would almost bring us to a stop. We finally made one of the points and could turn off a bit. Then the debate was on whether to continue to Shelburne or to fall off for Lockeport. That debate was resolved when the winds made it difficult for us to round the next point of land. Into Lockeport we went.

It was so welcoming to see such a protected harbor. The harpoon sword fishing boats were in and most of the docks were full. We found an open spot, tied up and tidied up above and below deck. Things had gotten a bit discombobulated in the angry seas. We took a walk, found out who we had to pay for the dock and found a church that was having services on a Sunday night. Once we had fellowship, I had no doubt it was God's providence that He herded us here. We continued to visit with some of the folks from the congregation for almost two hours after service was over.

All the day's harshness is now behind us. I am ready for a good night's sleep.

Love to all,

Posted via wifi.

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