Friday, September 26, 2014

Docked at Deltaville

What a sail we had yesterday.  This is the first year that we have been able to make it from Solomons to Deltaville on a fall day, and we made it in barely over seven hours.  A record for us.  We had 20 to 25 knots of wind mostly behind us, the seas were a bit unruly going out of the Patuxent River and off of the Potomac River, but otherwise manageable.  At one point we were surfing and doing well over eight knots.  The autopilot can only handle so much.  We reduced the main to a triple reef and shorted up the poled out jib.  It was one of those days without a discernable sunrise, rainy weather and visibility was down to a mile at some points.  This made it likely we could not encounter the military test bombing runs that have previously made us alter our route.  We were not the only sailors out there.  Blue Highway, a Petersen 44, came near us and took a few pictures.  Oddly enough, some of the sailboats were fighting the weather to go north.  I do not know what it was like on their boats, but from our perspective, it was not a pretty sight.

I was going to send Jean a text that we were in route, but Myron said we would just surprise them.   Myron worked through all the boats anchored in Jackson Creek to line us up for the dock. We managed a downwind landing by lassoing the end piling with our stern line, giving us a little more time to secure the rest.  As we were putting the fenders in place, Floyd suddenly realized that we were here early.  He was mowing the lawn (in the drizzling rain) and drove his ride-on mower right out on to the dock to welcome us.  Jean was playing cards a few houses down.  When one of the players said that Floyd was driving the mower on the dock, Jean flat out denied it.  She found out later that we had arrived and that Floyd indeed drove on the dock to see us.  Jean says she owes that woman a phone call and apology.

In route we saw the first pelicans we have seen in what seems like ages.  They are one of my favorite sea birds.  I like to see them fly in formation, they are excellent hunters, I have never seen them steal food from one another, and they do not squawk loudly.  Good qualities.  I admit, I did complain about them once in San Diego when one lined up on my car as it was taking off and it dropped a load.  Windex was useless, I had to go to a car wash.

I want to update you all on some pictures and a couple other things.  We hope to accomplish that while in Deltaville.  The library’s internet in usually screaming fast.  So more to come.

Love to all,

Posted via wifi.

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