Thursday, October 30, 2014

Wrightsville Beach

As Myron pointed out earlier, we were all set to go south on the inside.  There was a significant change in the weather forecast which resulted in our opting to go outside.  Besides, folks were encountering all sorts of delays on the inside due to bridge complications and live firing exercises at Camp LaJeune as well as military operations that closed Mile Hammock Bay, one of the few anchoring spots between Beaufort and Wrightsville.

It was a good trip out there.  Even though we saw no less than six warships, they ignored us and let us mosey through the restricted area.  They circled the perimeter of the prohibited area, which was not on our route.  We watched a high-speed hovercraft.  It came out of the back of one of those small aircraft carriers used by the Marines.  It went by David on ‘Blue Yonder,’ a Valient 40 traveling with us, and then into shore.  Then we saw it speed back toward the small carrier.  Myron said they went to pick up pizza.  It skirted around the ocean for a bit, then started heading over toward us.  I thought I was going to get a close up photo opportunity, but the small carrier gave a blast of its horn and then hovercraft headed back to momma.  Guess they wanted their pizza.

We had dolphins ride our bow wave for a long time.  That never gets old.  We had a beautiful sunset and then were entertained by a multitude of flares going off the small carrier.  I have no idea what they were doing, but it went on for quite some time.

We arrived at the entrance buoy before 10 pm.  We put down the sail out there because we have never been in this entrance and had no idea what to expect for room, much less visibility.  As with any inlet that is less than Class A, the stress level was high coming in.  We prayed before turning to go in.  I thank God I spotted that unlit buoy just inside the breakwater.  We anchored well away from everyone.  There is quite a tidal current through here.  With the expected high winds over the next few days, Hold Fast will dance away on the end of her chain and scare the daylights out of the other boaters.  We anchored well away from them in the dark, but may relocate when we can see in the morning.

We think we will stay here to ride out the nasty low coming off the coast.  Floyd Jean (runs Ward’s tugs) said they are forecasting winds of over 50 knots on the Chesapeake Bay.  We head north for better weather in the summer and then there is this fine line of when to head south for better weather in the fall.  That line has been crossed.  The icky northerlies are here in force and I wish we were already in Florida.

Time for a shower, snack and bed.

Love to all,

Posted via Mifi.

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