Monday, May 18, 2015

Old Point (Cool) Comfort

That was our longest stay at Elizabeth City yet, and well worth it.  We arrived early due to TS Ana.  She went ashore south of Cape Fear and then stalled, leaving us with not much wind, just over 20 knots, but she dropped plenty of rain.  We moved from the town’s Mariner’s Wharf to the commercial dock at Jeanette Brothers.  There was no need to run to a hidey hole.  We ended up staying at Jeanette Bros a week, but they did not mind.  They knew the circumstances and we followed their rules, which include eating out once a day at a local restaurant. 

Our extended stay allowed us a few treats like a trip out to Kitty Hawk and Killdevil, a drive over to Greensboro, and multiple visiting opportunities with Dan and Kathy at Mid-Atlantic Christian University (MACU).  I also got pet time with their golden retriever ‘Baxter,’ who is so famous he has his own website.  We attended church with Dave and Katie and met their friends who are building a large catamaran to use in serving the Lord.  Our last weekend was filled with the Potato Festival.  We met up with Craig and Donna from Mighty Fine.  We chatted with the farmers who brought their antique tractors to display and also talked with the local state Ag representative.    

We got to see the fleet for Maritime Ministries, which is now docked at MACU.  They combine serving the Lord with sailing experiences…sound familiar?  For more information, check out their website at

We left this morning before sunrise, but after first light – about 5:20 am.  As we were traveling through the Dismal Swamp, the day really heated up.  We were beginning to recognize that a night in the swamp was going to be brutally hot.  Myron checked the weather for opportunities to head north to Deltaville out of Norfolk and the outlook was bleak, too much north wind.  In the middle of our day we changed our plans and decided to push all the way through the Dismal Swamp Canal, through Norfolk and stage at Old Point Comfort.  We dropped anchor and shut the engine off at 5:24 pm, just over 12 hours. 

We did not rush the Dismal, you cannot due to the timing of the locks.  It was not all travel.  We managed to stop at the Deep Creek bridge, raft up with ‘Chester B’ an Albin, and walk over to the shopping center to get some fruit and stop in for a Japanese lunch.  That burned about an hour until it was time for the bridge/lock to open.  Once we were through, my system got its usual shock when we left the serenity of the Dismal Swamp and entered Norfolk.  I am glad we continued to OPC because now all the military, industrial and city madness is behind us.  Well, mostly behind us.  I can hear the traffic on the causeway.

Soon enough we will be in Deltaville, working to complete unfinished projects and start new ones.  Such is boat life, there is always work to do.  But for now, as we are finally cooling off in the open breeze, it is time to rest. 

Love to all,

{GMST}37°00.49'N|076°19.04'W|5/18/2015|7:40 PM{GEND}

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