Thursday, December 10, 2015

In the Exumas

The night we arrived in Rock Sound, we were accosted with one of the strangest thunderstorms we have encountered yet. It was fear inspiring. There was very little wind or rain. The lightening, however, was most impressive. The overhead lightening was rapid enough to keep the sky generally lit. The cloud to ground lightening was something to behold. It would catch me off guard and I would squeeze shut my eyes, but not before it had burned a blinding memory of the bolt striking the nearby shore. The thunder that followed had a percussion that shook not only our eardrums and bodies, but also the boat. During one of the thunder percussions, I heard the window by the galley pop out of place. The boaters anchored a half mile from us thought we had been hit. Myron thought they had been hit. I knew better. The outline of the lightening bolts hitting the ground was seared on the inside of my eyelids. The next day we checked our electronics. All was well. Myron checked the galley window. He had to tighten up the screws, but otherwise all well. It is one thing to sit in a house during such a storm, it is another to float on water with a metal mast reaching up to the sky. We are grateful to God for His protection.

We had great church with Pastor Bradley, his family and church members. We set February 15 through 20 as the dates to conduct the after school program for the kids in Rock Sound. Pastor Bradley and another church member gave us several bags of clothing and toys to take to Long Island. It says a lot about people that have little and give to others. We are hoping the weather will let us get these items to Pastor Craig Fox before Christmas.

We planned on sailing across tomorrow, but the forecast called for a better fishing weather today. It was smooth enough to be sure, but hardly a ray of sunshine. We had a double hook up of mahi mahi. Landed one, just over three feet, but by the time we could reel in the other, it got off. We are very thankful for what fish we get. After some rest, we will have fish for dinner!

Love to all,

{GMST}24°35.59'N|076°48.58'W|12/10/2015|2:55 PM{GEND}

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