Friday, April 12, 2013

Black Point

If you looked at the map, you would think – as I did - that White Point would sufficiently protect us from southeast winds.  Protection was good from the winds when they were about 20 knots, but once they dropped to 15 or less (which happened after dark) the wind swell was able to wrap around the point and into our anchorage.  We took the rolls on the beam.  It was far from a horrible night, just not as dreamy as Lee Stocking Island.  After the weather forecast this morning, we set out to make more water and find an anchor spot at Black Point. 

Five loads of laundry promised to make it a long day in the Black Point Settlement.  It was so humid the towels required a second go at the dryer.  Since everything else was folded and bagged, Ida let us leave the towels going while we headed to DeShamone’s for that rare meal out.  We made some new friends at the laundromat and they joined us for lunch.  Everyone ordered conch burgers.  Shortly after our tea/sodas were delivered, the entire settlement lost all power and the restaurant kitchen’s propane gas failed.   The owner assured us “the current will soon come” and not to give up on lunch.  It pays to be patient.  In just short of an hour we all had huge burgers on the table.

We hope to stay at Black Point a few days and attend church with Ida again.  We are not yet sure of our next stop.

Love to all,

Posted via WiFi.

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