After some well deserved rest last night, we listened to the 6:30 am weather forecast and then headed for Marsh Harbor. Myron set up the water maker and it took 143 gallons to top off all tanks on Hold Fast. If all goes well and we get a weather window in the next ten days, we will not be making water again in the Bahamas.
By our calculations, during our time here in the Bahamas we made 1,795 gallons of water. We left the states December 9 - just short of five months ago. Minus the 300 we have on board, that means 1,495 gallons of water in about five months, or about 300 gallons a month. That is roughly 10 gallons per day, including the week with a guest on board. We probably used a little more because we did catch a few gallons of rain water on one occasion - something we cannot measure unless the tank starts dry and is completely filled (which was not the case). The two of us drink a total of about two gallons per day, so the rest is for cooking, washing dishes and clothes, showers and some fresh water washing of gear on the boat. The price per gallon of water in the Bahamas is typically $0.40 per gallon. If we had to buy our water, the cost for the five months would have been $718. At that rate, or about $1,720 per year, it would take less than 1.5 years to recover the cost of the 60 gallon per hour water maker. Yes that excludes the cost of diesel, which we find logical since we only make water when we are motoring to a destination. We thought some of you might be interested in the water maker bean counting.
Enough of that! Most of our errands are done and we were only rained on twice. We will try to time a break in the rain tomorrow to finish up onshore at Marsh. There are always more boats here in the spring than in the fall/winter, so the anchoring is a little tight. But the holding is good and everyone seems pretty amicable. I pray we all dance the same when the squalls come.
Love to all,
Posted via 3G.
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