Sunday, June 16, 2013

Pungo Creek

So I am there ever a day on the Pamlico Sound without a small craft advisory? At least we did not see 30 knots today, just 20. Soon enough we were off the sound and turning into Pungo River toward our protected anchorage here in Pungo Creek.

In Ocracoke, we managed to finally meet Liz and Devin on "Moosetracks," a 45' Island Packet. They are friends of Bruce and Gina's and Gina has been trying to introduce us since last December back in the Bahamas! Yesterday the five of us hiked trails and the Ocracoke lighthouse. We went our separate ways this morning. When they hailed us on channel 16, our friends on Motu overhead and joined in the radio conversation. Always nice to know you have friends out there, somewhere, lurking on the radio!

We are headed north, mostly, to Elizabeth City and hope to be there around Tuesday...just in case any of our crazy friends feel like driving a few hundred miles to meet up with us!

Once again, we have no cell coverage here and are dependent upon our Ham radio.

Love to all,

Posted via Ham Radio.
{GMST}35|30.575|N|076|38.911|W|Anchored Pungo Creek|{GEND}

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