Thursday, August 22, 2013

Skipton Creek - East Wye River

The Wye and East Wye Rivers are much the same as two years ago, however the lack of cruisers is a big change. Last time we were here, we must have seen more than 15 other cruising boats anchored in spots from Skipton Creek to Shaw Bay. Yesterday and today, we are the only cruising vessel here. We even took the dinghy to do almost all the remainder of circumnavigation of Wye Island. Still we saw no cruisers. Not sure the reason. Maybe it is the economy. Many cruisers have put their boats on the hard. But then what? They must have gone to work.
Last time on the East Wye River, we motored by Dividing Creek and there were four boats in there. Since it was empty this time, we poked around to see how that tight anchorage would feel in a 42 foot vessel. Not bad, we could pull it off if we wanted.
It has been warm the last two days. We recognize how spoiled we became with highs below the 80's. Even so, I believe tonight is the last night of temperature much over 70 degrees in the forecast. As I was sitting on deck, which is cooler than inside the boat, I noticed that the sunset turned into a perfect repeat of our blogsite picture cover above. That was taken here in Skipton Creek two years ago. Now and again, you can "go back."
We hope we can "go back" in getting a dozen of those large Wye River crabs. We were listening in on the crabber's radio channel this morning. Crabs have been hard to find. Some guys were only getting four crabs on a trot line run. As a result, prices are up at the market: $70/dozen. But if we can connect again with a crabber on the river and pay only $20…well, we shall see.
Love to all,

Posted via 3G.

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