Thursday, June 6, 2013

Thunderbolt Marina - Georgia

We had a nice sleep last night, no big winds or rain showers like the night before.  Not that it bothers Tyler, he has proven that he can sleep through it all.  I say, in the words of Martha Stuart…”it’s a good thing.”

We got an early start and just after 11 am we were tied up on an outside dock at Thunderbolt Marina.  Knowing that the rain will continue to increase in intensity, we set out to get some eats.  On our way back we bought some freshly caught shrimp at $8/pound.  We bought all he had left, just under four pounds.  We will be back for more if the shrimpers keep working during this time of foul weather.

The center of tropical storm Andrea should pass us by about 1 am Friday.  It will not be as intense as what we went through with hurricane Irene back in 2011.  The rain is expected to be around all day and increase, dampening our desire to walk around the marina or town.  We may stay here two days while we wait for the weather to dry out, then we hope to head out to sea.  You can keep current on the storm’s track through NOAA’s website at  Just click on “Atlantic,” then click on “Andrea,” and then click on the “Interactive Map” to see the track as forecast.  The interactive track allows you to zoom in for a little more detail.  We are in Thunderbolt, which is east and a little south of Savannah, both cities of which are in Chatham County.

If you are worried, please pray.  God will give you the same peace of mind He has given us!

On a side note for Noah, Tyler’s brother:  The “ICW” is the Intercoastal Waterway.  It is a system of rivers, sounds (like big bays) and canals that allow vessels to transit up and down the Atlantic coast without going out to sea.  The Pacific coast does not have one.  Good question Noah, some other folks may have been wondering the same thing.

I am going to get some rest, then I think it is curried shrimp for dinner.  Already time to feed the eating machine again!

Love to all,

Posted via WiFi 

1 comment:

Morning Star said...

praying for your safety. love you