Monday, July 21, 2014

Picture Update

Our good internet in St. Peter's allowed me to upload some photos to share.  Please click on the photo galley to the right to see the new posts.  I have yet to see a moose or a loon, although we hear the loons at night.  To entice you to click on the link, here are a couple of shots.

Myron on bow of Brad's boat, helping tweak the headstay before the race (Shelburne).

Sunset at Carter's Beach.

Maggi's shot this picture from her house, of us beginning to launch the dinghy. Yes, I think it is always sunny up the LaHave River since the water is so much warmer.

A serene morning at Eric and Ellen's mooring in Deep Cove.

In my opinion, this colorful shoreline viewed from Vince's mooring in Purcell's Cove, was the quintessential picture of Nova Scotia, at least in summer.

I hope that entices you to go enjoy the other pictures as well.

Love to all,

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