We have been advised to stay put in the LaHave River on our current mooring for the storm that is forecast to arrive here Saturday. This mooring was installed new last year. The chain must be half inch. Today we put a shackle on the mooring and connected our 5/8 inch storm rode, letting out about 20 feet. The backup is our normal mooring line and snap shackle. Both have extra line to let out should we have storm surge. The canvas will be removed or tied down. Friday evening we will break down the dinghy and secure it aboard. This area is more open than where we tucked away for hurricane Irene in 2011, however the hills around us are taller and the water much, MUCH cooler. Further there are no boats in our immediate vicinity, which became a problem last time. Lastly, Arthur should be reduced in strength from a hurricane to a post-tropical storm and we should not expect to see more than 50 knots sustained (measured as held for 60 seconds).
The people in Nova Scotia are very caring and watching out
for us. We only just met Robin and Maggi,
on whose mooring we have latched. As
former cruisers, they understand the challenges we face. You can read about them at www.maggi-ansell.com. Once at the site, click on the CBS video and
watch their story.
This blog posting was written not so that you can worry, but
to give you an idea of our situation. Please
do not worry about us. We do what we can
to prepare for it and trust the Lord to take care of the rest. And we wait – I think waiting is the hardest part. Based upon the current forecast, it should all
be over on Sunday or Monday at which time we hope to connect to the internet give
you an update.
Love to all,
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