Monday, July 14, 2014

Shelter Cove Near Sheet Harbor

Vince introduced us to Dave and Carolyn, whose floating dock we used to come ashore. After visiting with them and a bit of touring, including the prison cells at the Arm's Yacht Club, we enjoyed a nice dinner that Sharlene put together. It was 10 pm before we knew it, way past cruiser's midnight. Sunday was a blur of historical highlights combined with some needed shopping and a propane fill. We topped that off by catching the world cup final before we said our goodbyes to Vince and Sharlene. It was the end of another wonderful stay with the friendly folks of Nova Scotia.

This morning we took on a few gallons of diesel at the Royal Nova Scotia Yacht Club (Squadron). Then we were off in good winds to head "up the coast." I put that in quotes because one of our legs of over 24 miles today had a heading of 100 degrees, just south of east. I saw a great book yesterday titled 'You might be from Nova Scotia if…' and one of the lines was 'you never say north or south and your compass reads Up the Coast, East, Down the Coast and West.' Another one of the lines was 'if you tell someone to take the 'New Bridge' and you are referring to the one built in 1970.' I read that aloud to Sharlene in the store and a gal passing by with her cart blurted out "It's true, there is the old bridge and the new bridge!" Maybe I will have another chance to purchase that book.

The winds picked up quite a bit today and visibility was going down with rain mixed with fog. I must say that this cove is holding good to its name. It is blowing right good (yep, I am getting the lingo down) and we are snug as a bug. We were told to disregard the depths on the chart, which show our current anchor spot as one foot of water. We came in near low tide, never found the rock at four feet (that is a good thing) and dropped the anchor in 21 feet of water. The most we should see in tide is 7 feet, so, yes, the charts are wrong. I say better wrong in that direction.

It is gorgeous here! We are surrounded by rocks and spruce trees and not a single house. No point in putting out the wifi antenna. We are showered up, Myron has the fire going and it is time for dinner.

Love to all,

Posted via Ham Radio.

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