Friday, April 12, 2013

Jack’s Bay – north of White Point

After two days full of exploring the southern end of Lee Stocking Island, we headed out the Adderly Cut for points north.  On Wednesday the winds were 20 to 25 knots.  During our hikes we observed the white and wild seas and it was hard to keep my hat (tied at the chin) from blowing away. On the morning of our sail, however, the winds seemed shy of 15 knots.  Our speed was down to five knots in some rather unruly seas.  We calculated our arrival at the Galliot Cut would now be an hour or so into an ebb flow.  We opted for Rudder Cay Cut, which takes a northeast angle similar to Galliot.  It was our first time through this cut and Myron kept her steady on center and soon enough we were inside for smoother sailing.  We were deeply impressed by the beauty of Rudder and Musha Cays and vowed to visit them someday.  They are private and therefore no landing is allowed, but we would be content to drink in the beauty at anchor and explore by dinghy.  Hey, if we had more money than we could spend, that is an island I would buy!!

Even though it was easy sailing on the inside, we needed water and ran the motor for about 60 gallons worth.  Since it was a short trip, on the day of our arrival we had time to explore White Point and the cave along the shore north of the point.  We received a radio call in the evening that our friends Greg and Luba on Rhapsody were leaving for the states on this weather window.  Our plans for a little reunion at Black Point were shattered.   Boo hoo!  Such is cruising life.

We find that it is also God’s way of inspiring us to meet new people.

Love to all,


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