Saturday, April 26, 2014

Royal Island Harbor to Man-O-War Cay

I was awake before 3 am yesterday with a tummy ache, but optimistically stayed in bed with the earnest hope for more sleep. Myron got out of bed shortly thereafter. I abandoned the effort for any further sleep and got up to do the few things remaining before weighing anchor, which we did at 6:10 am with first light. Once outside the anchorage we could see that we had started a trend as several other boats turned on their navigation lights and began hoisting main sails. They were smaller boats that require an early start to arrive at the cut before dark. We were just early because we had fishing on our mind.

That is precisely where the fishing stayed, on our mind. We spent hours changing out lures, adding bait, and clearing grass off the hooks. At one point as I was clearing one the lures of grass, I watched the big green teaser go under water and work back and forth behind the boat. The teaser cannot stay under water on its own. We surmised something had a hold of it because after the teaser popped back up the starboard lure went off. Just a few clicks though, nothing caught. We had everything right in the presentation, but there has to be fish to catch them. Hungry fish. We did bring Jay our catch for the day: Sargasso grass. Do not be disappointed, thinking that the Lord did not provide…we still have several pounds of wahoo in the freezer!

Sorry we did not post last night that we had arrived safely. We secured the mooring sometime after 5 pm, took a shower, had dinner and that was the end of us. Barry stopped by to check on us just after our showers and I was already in my PJs. We were asleep before 8 pm! As to taking so long this morning, the blog was written but we got right on our chores without posting it.

Now we will look for a weather window to cross the Gulf Stream to north Florida. It could be in two days or more than a week. In the meantime, we will prepare Hold Fast for the journey and visit as much as possible with our good buddies here at MOW Cay.

Love to all,

Posted via 3G.

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