Thursday, October 15, 2015

Fueled Up

What a beautiful morning. A golden sunrise accompanied by a mist low on the water near the shoreline where the trees are turning fall colors. We were temporarily surrounded by swallows busy gobbling up bugs. They could not have picked a better place to have a feast - the blind mosquitos were out in force. How awful it would be without swallows to trim back the population.

The anchor was up early this morning so we could get fuel and rejoin 'Allegria' in route. Today they followed us into the anchorage as it was their first time into Broad Creek. Dee and Molly launched their dinghy and rowed over for a visit. It has been a pleasant surprise reunion. It appears we may stick together the next couple travel days. Even though we are each on our own boats, it makes the journey more special.

I can testify that our freezer is working just fine. I took a chicken out today to defrost for dinner. It was frozen solid and is still not thawed enough to deal with it for dinner. Neither of us are hungry enough to be disappointed that I have postponed its appointment with the pot until tomorrow.

By the way, diesel at River Forest Marina this morning was $2.179/gallon. Best price we have paid at a marina yet. Besides, Henry - the new owner/dockmaster - is a really nice guy.

Until we move again. Love to all,

{GMST}35°05.49'N|076°37.15'W|10/15/2015|8:16 PM{GEND}

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