Friday, October 23, 2015

Movin' On A Dock

We got some decent rest at Cumberland Island.  Never went ashore, but being there was enough.  On our way down the ICW to the St. John’s River, we saw some pretty skinny water and took it very slow.  We were happy to find out that the Main Street Bridge was open on demand, other than its usual commuter traffic restrictions.  As a result, we figured we had plenty of time to pick through the shallow water and to ride the incoming tide on the St. John’s.  Unfortunately, the crazy high tides played havoc with the timing of the current on the St. John’s River and we ended up motoring against an early outgoing current. 

Auto Paul met us all the way out at Nassau Sound on the ICW.  We tied ‘Gretel,’ Paul’s runabout, behind Hold Fast and he rode on board with us from there to the Main Street Bridge.  It was great to visit with him for those hours and catch up on things and to give him the helm.  After Paul joined us, we were boarded by the Coast Guard.  I told Paul I attribute it to him and he did not argue!  They were happy that all was right according to their inspection, which was one of the more detailed we have incurred, and we got a passing golden rod to prove it.  We did find it interesting that they never asked or inspected our flares.  Hmmmm…is that because they do not find them useful?  They did ask to see our Waste Management Plan (trash disposal) – shows us the priorities.  Just saying.  In any event, they were nice young men and polite and it was an easy run through for us.

In route, we got a call from Dockmaster Paul.  He changed our berthing to A Dock.  Hold Fast has never stayed at A Dock before.  It is where Paul puts all the big and fancy boats, but he had nowhere else to put us.  We have a Nordhaven 40 to our port and a classic sailboat to starboard.  It meant putting Hold Fast into a downwind and down current slip – never fun in a sailboat.  We were quite anxious about it until we recalled how much wider the slips are on A Dock.  Over on C Dock, we have nine inches on either side of the boat.  When we came into the A Dock slip – it felt like Hold Fast had gone on a crash diet.  We have at least three feet on either side!  The electric is 50 amps, so Myron had to put a splitter on our plug in to get us down to 30 amps. 

We had pizza already with the gang and are catching up with our buddies as well as starting in on our list of projects.  I cannot give a date when we will leave, but we hope it takes us no longer than two weeks to get everything – or at least the critical stuff – complete.  In the meantime, if Mia comes to see us she will find Hold Fast upgraded to a new ‘boathood!’

Love to all,

{GMST}30°16.54'N|081°42.91'W|10/23/2015|10:30 PM{GEND}

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