Friday, August 9, 2013

St. Michael's - San Domingo Creek

Leaving Cambridge had us down.  That is one of the burdens of this lifestyle.  We really like a place and the people, but we move on.  Sabrina was around to help untie our last dock line when we left this morning.  Once we got underway, I could feel the depression lifting.  We both encouraged each other that we are off to a new adventure and to meet new people.  Plus we had a romp up the Choptank with gusts around 25 knots.  We had to triple reef to keep Hold Fast under 7 knots.  The big winds lasted about an hour, and then let up - substantially.  Now we are at anchor south of St. Michael’s on our first steamy day in two weeks!  Oh well, that is how it goes.  We only expect a couple days of heat – but it is on these days that we really miss the air conditioner at the marina!  I am hearing thunder now, on a regular basis.  Maybe we will get cooled off by a thunderstorm.

On another subject – we discovered that our copper bottom is not effective and to our standards.  As a result, we may haul out at Deltaville to clean her up and apply bottom paint.  Even as fouled as she is, Hold Fast was really scooting along today!

Love to all,

Posted via 3G.

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