Thursday, August 29, 2013

St. Michael's - San Domingo Creek (The Sequel)

I hope "part two" of St. Michael's is as good as part one! 

We had a nice motor sail today.  Before we left Skipton Creek, we used up both the port and starboard water tanks and were on our "reserve tank," the 75 - 80 gallons under the v-berth.  As a result, today was a water-making day:  approximately 206 gallons.  Now that she is topped off with water at 52 parts per million (the low salinity in the middle to north Bay makes much more pure water) - it is Hollywood showers tonight!

As we left the Wye today the winds were 10-15 out of the north.  Even with the wind, the weather was foggy and dreary.  It matched our feelings about leaving.  If you ever get the chance to visit the East Wye by boat, we highly recommend it.  And take a crab trap!

We are already beginning our journey south - but slowly!  We will work our way back to Deltaville for our haul out.  If you have ever lived on a boat in a boat yard, you understand why we picked late September.  It should be cool enough to sleep at night. 

Tomorrow we will be off for an adventure in St. Michael's - hopefully a $3.95 cheese burger at Big Al's!

Love to all,

Posted via 3G.

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