Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Visitor’s Center – Dismal Swamp Canal

It was a short traveling day, intentionally.  We let everyone go in front of us as we departed Elizabeth’s Dock so that we could glide slowly along the Dismal Swamp Canal to take in the fall colors reflected on the water.  Only one boat was behind us, Derek, single-handing on ‘Fox,’ a 30’ Islander.  We decided to stop and investigate the Visitor’s Center on the Virginia side.  It is a much shorter dock and we had to be careful of the large bolt heads sticking out of the docks, but otherwise a nice dock.  We had about 8 feet along side.  After a bit, Derek came along and took the angle dock to address a mechanical problem.  He had 5.9 feet on that side.  He and Myron sorted out the issue (plugged raw water intake) then we were both on our way again toward the Visitor’s Center.  We contemplated staying on the Virginia Visitor dock for the night.  The signs posted stated it was scheduled to be open Fall of 2014, or now.  It has water and electricity, but it is still closed for some reason.  We felt safer continuing on.

After another nine more miles, we tied up to ‘Harmony,’ a motor vessel whose owners had completed a six year circumnavigation on a Whitby42.  We like them immediately!  We chatted for hours with other boaters at the dock, with the ladies at the Visitor’s Center, and with drivers who are stunned to see so many big vessels at a highway rest stop.  Some limit themselves to taking pictures, others ask many questions, like ‘how did you guys get here?’  I am thankful all of them know better than to step foot on a boat without permission.

The ladies at the Visitor’s Center said they had 18 boats here last night.  That must be a record because it would mean rafting six boats across each of the three tied to the docks.  Tonight we have ten boats, six sailboats and four trawlers.

Time for some rest.  Love to all,

Posted via Mifi.

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