Friday, March 13, 2015

Pictures - Finally

We have gone a few months without high speed internet.  Ida's system in Black Point has been improved over the year and we spent hours doing internet work.  I was focused on updating our pictures on Picasa and Myron was researching a boat load of things.  While I could still dedicate a great deal of time in my own research, at least the pictures are up to date.  We added five albums (yes, I was horribly behind!):  Current to Eleuthera, Exumas Going South, Dollar Harbor, Long Island, and Jumentos.

Here are a few teasers to entice you to go take a look.  Click on the link to the right to Hold Fast's photo gallery.

Myron, Camila and Matias reunite at Rock Sound.  We sure miss those kids, and their parents too!

Very large rays swim near our dinghy on west side of Norman's Pond Cay:

We thank God for this wonderful catch of a yellow fin tuna.  It fed us and others for almost three weeks:

The sun sets while we were enjoying the Visitor Appreciation Party at Long Island.  This particular sunset yielded a green flash - the crowd was thrilled!

Students from the All Age School in Duncan Town, Ragged Island.  The principal on the right, Mr. Robert Boodram, is happy to have help and receive any supplies you are willing to donate.  The four kid's in my 7th and 8th grade class had great aspirations for careers, which were: pilot, boat captain, nurse and pediatrician.

Love to all,

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