Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Fernandina - Mooring

We never went to shore yesterday at the island because of bad weather.  We moved to a mooring at Fernandina today.  By some miracle, we were able to launch the dinghy in these high winds.  We put on our foulies and headed in to pay our bill, unload two bags of trash and get our fill of burgers at T-Rays.  We are completely out of snacks, so we bought a few items at Fred's and some fudge at the sweet shop.  We got drenched on the way back and found out that, for some reason, the snacks did not make it into our bag at Fred's.  Very frustrating because we are not going back across that rough water.  We will have to live without snacks and simply drown our sorrows in some pecan fudge.

The dinghy engine is off and the the gear stowed, but the dinghy will remain in the water tonight as we will wait until the winds get under 25 knots before we try to hoist it up on deck.  I am growing weary of the rowdy mess made by this much wind against this much tidal current.

Hopefully the weather will get better in the next couple of days as we work our way towards Jacksonville.

Love to all (except this wind),

Posted via 3g.

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