Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Yankee Cove

Forecast for Fourchu: 20-25 knots, rain, patches of fog; Actual: 5 knots with thick fog

I know there is wind out there somewhere because our thick fog was accompanied by rather inconvenient two meter swells. Glad it was a short day. CCGS says fog will lift Thursday night. Maybe a day off is in order. Maybe two. If I do not get sun, I get cranky. I recognize that is evident in the words I write.

We are sharing this cove with a fish farm, somewhere. I never did see it as we came in. I imagine that this is a pretty spot, based upon what I can make out of the shoreline. We had to come back out into deep water to find mud to make the anchor happy. We have just over 180 feet of chain out.

I think it is time for jalapeno poppers and ginger beer. Sorry Barry. Not sure any of the Propeller inventory will survive the trip if the sun does not shine soon.

By the way, today's forecast for Bras d'Or Lakes: 10-15 knots, sunshine; Actual: same (according to some famous surfer gal interviewed on a local radio news show while she transited the lock on a paddle board).

Love to all,

Posted via Ham Radio.

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