Saturday, May 9, 2015

Wharf at Elizabeth City

The holding is great at Deep Point, just be sure to put a trip line on your anchor or use a slide as we do.  Our Manson Supreme has a slide so the shackle can run up to the front of the anchor and lift it out backwards.  We call it the ‘Alligator River Setting’ on our anchor, since there are so many logs and tree stumps lurking in the Alligator River.  We have been on that setting since Georgia.

We weighed anchor before sunrise to get a jump on the winds.  It was only blowing 15 knots or so, still out of the NE.  We were on the Albemarle Sound by about 10:30 am and it was already worked up.  It is a body of water to respect when the winds are 20+ and I understand why the Elizabeth City ambassador, ‘Gus,’ would prefer boaters not to leave when the winds get up.  He says it saves them the effort of coming to get you! 

We were welcomed to the free docks by Dan and Kathy, our friends involved with Mid-Atlantic Christian University here in town.  They are both busy with work this weekend so we made plans for Tuesday.  Gus showed up just before those two left and we visited with him as well.  Then we went to have a late lunch at ‘Quality Seafood,’ who always give us more than we can eat.  We brought enough leftovers for another meal.

We are here a week early and will stay through the Potato Festival, or as long as we can.  We will keep an eye on the subtropical storm ‘Ana.’   Dan and Kathy have a hidey hole for us if it is going to get nasty, so do not worry about us.  So far, the biggest danger is eating too much.

Love to all,

{GMST}36°17.91'N|076°13.09'W|5/9/2015|2:43 PM{GEND}

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