Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Georgetown to Salt Pond, Long Island

As in our last post, we had more things not go as planned, or even as contracted.  We waited around Georgetown for the closing on the sale of our house, but received word yesterday that the closing needed to be extended.  As a result, we took advantage of a weather window to head toward Ragged Island.  It takes us a few stops to get there, Long Island is the first of those.

We thought we would be motoring all day as the winds were promised to be too tight for us to sail.  This time I am so glad the forecast did not hold!  Shortly after clearing Elizabeth Harbour, we were able to turn the motor off, put out a reefed jib along with the reefed main and then sailed on a very close reach.  Our route required us to make a few turns to avoid shoals, which put us in an even better point on the wind.  We put out a reefed mizzen and were sailing at over 7 knots.  It was a glorious day and there must have been 15 other sailboats with the same idea.  The winds lightened up, as forecast, and we shook out the reef on the main and on the jib.  As we finally approached Indian Hole Point to turn into the anchorage, we lost all effective wind (Hold Fast needs more than ten knots!) and turned on the motor to get to an anchoring spot. 

What is funny is that Hold Fast made a good impression on our sailing neighbors.  We out performed a catamaran because it could not point as close to the wind on our last leg and had to fall off and then motor up.  The only vessel we did not out perform was ‘Nancy Lu,’ an HR 42 with a seven foot keel.   We do not set out to race other boats, but sailing in a group does give us an idea of just how well Hold Fast can do relative to other makes.  We really stretched some distance between us and the other boats when the seas got rough and the winds were up.  That is when 30,000 pounds can help! 

Nancy Lu wants us to lead them through the Comer Channel tomorrow, so we have an early morning.  We finished the last of our fish for dinner and I need to get a shower and some rest.

Love to all,

Posted via 3G.

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