Friday, August 8, 2014

St. Peter’s Again

It was really nice that Bill and Betty Jean could manage to squeeze in some time for a visit with us before they were back to their hectic, although retired, schedule.  There is a big annual event at Marble Mountain this weekend and they have a lot of related responsibilities.  Bill is very involved in preserving the history of the area.  People like us are appreciative because that is part of what we come to discover.

We are back at St. Peter’s.  This is a really easy going marina.  We fueled up, took a mooring, went on a hike and Myron got their internet going again.  We are on the cusp of departing the Bras d’Or Lakes.  I must say these lakes are pristine cruising grounds, just a bit of a challenge to get to/from. 

We plan to attend church on Sunday and re-unite with our new friends there.  We will be keeping a close eye on the weather for our opportunity to get around Cape Canso and down the coast.  Soon enough we will be back in tides, currents and swells...

Love to all,

Posted via wifi.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Be careful leaving the lakes, we got seasick. Your body gets used to the nice flat waters of the lakes.